Oceans and Empires Contents Event
How do I get Daily Event rewards?

You can get total of three rewards depending on your Daily Event points.

1. Point Achievement Reward

1) Once your points reaches a certain level, you can get a Point Achievement Reward.

2) The higher your Castle's level, the better rewards you can get.

3) You need to get all previous rewards to get the next reward.

2. Daily Ranking Reward

1) You can receive a Daily Ranking Reward based on your Daily Event points.

2) Every day at 16:00 PST Daily Ranking Rewards will be sent to the Lords who ranked 1st to 100th, 

to their Mailbox.

3. Weekly Ranking Reward

1) You can get a Weekly Ranking Reward based on your total Daily Event points during the week.

2) For Lords who ranked 1st to 10th, higher ranking Lords will receive better rewards. For Lords who ranked 11th to 20th, everyone will receive the same rewards. The same rule applies to Lords who ranked 21th to 30th, from 31th to 40th, all the way down to Lords who ranked 91th to 100th.

※ Rewards will disappear when the mail expires.

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