I can't hear the game sound | Pirates of the Caribbean: Tides of War
Pirates of the Caribbean: Tides of War System Game System
I can't hear the game sound

If the BGM and sound effects cannot be heard,

please check the sound option at the setting menu.

■ Game Sound Setting Route

- [Settings] > [System] > [Sound] > [BGM/Sound Effects]

If there is a problem even with the settings on, 

there may have been damaged files during the download.

So although it may be tedious, 

please delete the game completely and then install the latest version.

■ How to Delete the Game (AOS)

1) [Cellphone Settings] > [Application Manager (Application Program)] > [Pirates of the Caribbean: TOW] > [Delete Cache, Data] > [Delete] 

2) Connect USB or use the ASTRO app to check if the folder below is deleted

* Folder to delete : [com.joycity.potc]

* Folder Location : [Android] > [Data] > [com.joycity.potc]

3) If the folder still exists, than delete it and reinstall.

* The name or saved location may be different for each device.

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