Joycity Platform is a comprehensive platform to support players to play all Joycity games with a single account.
However, you do not have to sign-up to become a member of Joycity Platform to play Joycity games. You may play, save your data with ease by simply connecting your existing email, Facebook, or Google account with Joycity Platform.
Joycity Platform < Start with Google account > Guide
1. Run Joycity game application, select Start with Google account
2. After game starts, go to 'Settings > Profile > Gear(Third icon)' and connect account
3. After connecting account, you can play the game with the same account in different devices
4. We recommend you to complete the Email Verification process in order to recover your password or email later on
Joycity Platform < Login with a different account > Guide
1. Run Joycity game application, select
2. Selectable login accounts include Facebook, Google+, or Email
3. If logged in with Facebook or Google ID, after game starts, go to 'Settings > Profile' and register an email address to login with the registered email address later on
4. You can login with the same account on a different device
5. If you logged in with an email address, we recommend you to complete the Email Verification Process in order to recover your password or email later on